

> 时间:五月二十三日(周一)下午3:00
> 地点:南一楼系会议室
> 主讲人:Tarik TALEB博士
> Talk Title: Mobile Operator Challenges defining New
> Academic Research Potential
> Duration: 30 minutes
> Talk Abstract
> This talk touches upon the recent trends the mobile
> telecommunications market is experiencing. It will showcase
> some of the emerging consumer products that are facilitating
> such trends. The talk also discusses the challenges these
> trends are representing to mobile network operators and
> enlists, in a very high level, some solutions to tackle
> them. Opportunities, behind these trends, in terms of
> defining new research topics for academics, are also
> discussed.
> Biography:
> Tarik Taleb is currently working as Senior Researcher and
> 3GPP Standardization Engineer at NEC Europe Ltd, Heidelberg,
> Germany. Prior to his current position and till Mar. 2009,
> he worked as assistant professor at the Graduate School of
> Information Sciences, Tohoku University, Japan. From Oct.
> 2005 till Mar. 2006, he was working as research fellow with
> the Intelligent Cosmos Research Institute, Sendai, Japan. He
> received his B. E degree in Information Engineering with
> distinction, M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in Information Sciences
> from GSIS, Tohoku Univ., in 2001, 2003, and 2005,
> respectively.
> His research interests lie in the field of architectural
> enhancements to 3GPP networks, mobile multimedia streaming,
> wireless networking, inter-vehicular communications,
> satellite and space communications, congestion control
> protocols, handoff and mobility management, and network
> security. His recent research has also focused on on-demand
> media transmission in multicast environments.

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