

报告题目: Computational Thinking in Wireless Research – examples of three SIGCOMM papers



报告人:Dr. Kun Tan (谭焜)

单位: MSRA (微软亚洲研究院)


Computation thinking is the fundamental skill for a computer scientist to solve problems, build systems and understand the complex behaviors. It is originated from the fundamental question of what is computable. Nowadays, computational thinking has already begun to influence many disciplines and it is envisioned to be one fundamental skill in research. In this talk, I will discuss computational thinking in state-of-the-art wireless research. I will use three pieces of system research work that have been published in ACM SIGCOMM as examples. I will go over the technique details and discuss how computational thinking principles are used to guide the design of each work.


Kun Tan received the B.E., M.E. and Ph.D. degree in Computer Science and Engineering from Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, in 1997, 1999, and 2002 respectively. After graduation, he joined Microsoft Research Asia. He is a Lead Researcher in Wireless and Networking Group. Previously, he worked on various issues related to transport and congestion control. He designed Compound TCP for high speed Internet links, which is now implemented in the default TCP stack of the latest Windows Operating Systems. His current research focus is wireless system and networking. He led the development of Sora software radio system. He has published over 30 technical papers. He has won the Best Paper Award at NSDI’09 and Best Demo Award at NSDI’09 and SIGCOMM’10 respectively. He has severed in the technical program committees for many top international conferences (including Mobicom, MobiHoc and Sigcomm). He is an adjunct professor of Electronics Information Engineering Department at Hua Zhong University of Science and Technology. He is a member of both ACM and IEEE. He severs as the vice chair of TAC of IEEE ComSoc Asia Pacific Region.

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