挪威Gjøvik University College的Rune Hjelsvold教授来我系作学术报告


题目:Current research activities in media technology and information security at Gjøvik University College (尤维克大学在多媒体及信息安全领域的研究进展)
报告人:Rune Hjelsvold教授
Abstract: Gjøvik University College, GUC, has since last year had the honor of being a partner of Huazhong University of Science and Technology. In this presentation, Professor Hjelsvold will give an overview of the research laboratories within the Faculty of Computer Science and Media Technology and the research activities that are currently taking place at these laboratories. These activities include research in fields such as Web technologies, computer gaming technologies, color imaging, image and video processing, information security, forensics, and biometrics. The presentation is intended to serve as a basis for a discussion of possible future research collaboration between GUC and Huazhong University of Science and Technology.
Professor Rune Hjelsvold received his PhD from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, NTNU, in 1996, in the field of multimedia databases. After graduating, he worked as a researcher for Siemens Corporate Research in Princeton, New Jersey USA for seven years. He joined GUC as a full time professor in 2002. His research interests include multimedia and web applications and technologies. He is currently the Vice Dean of education at the Faculty of Computer Science and Media Technology at GUC.

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