日期 : 10月9日
时间 : 10:00-11:00AM
地点: 通信与探测研究所会议室 (紫菘学生公寓大门旁小院)
Title : Build a CDMA network for enterprise
Speaker: Dr.赖小荣, Professor
A traditional CDMA network consists of a radio network and a core network. The radio network includes BTS (Base Transceiver System) and BSC
(Base Station Controller). Typical core network includes at least one MSC (Mobile Switching Center) and one HLR (Home Location Register). The core
network equipments are expensive. To offset the high cost of core network, telecom operators need to install many BTS and BSC to increase the
coverage and subscribers, but what’s the alternative for enterprises?
Confederal Networks provides a revolutionary way to build CDMA network for enterprises. Starting with a simplified isolated fixed wireless local
loop points, calls among cell phones within the local loop point are routed locally, calls terminate to other local loop points or PSTN are routed
to local PSTN providers. Once there are enough isolated wireless local loop pints and the initial investment has been reasonably returned,
enterprises can consider to escalate their network into the next level, ROAMING. As more and more wireless local loop points keep being added,
enterprises will consider to turn wireless local loop into standard IS41 network by adding MSC and HLR. The Mobility Manager’s hardware is re-
used by MSC, no initial investment has been wasted.
The Speaker:
赖小荣,资深移动通信专家,美国Confederal Networks公司董事长,加拿大Confederal Technology公司总裁,兼任中央直属企业煤炭科学研究总院自动化院首席专家
,中国科学院研究生院客座教授,北京邮电大学移动通信专业研究生导师,河北理工大学特聘教授,江苏科技大学兼职教授,26岁担任美国Concord Telecom集团通信
450M/800M/1900M/2100MHz CDMA蜂窝移动通信系统和无线接入系统以及相应频段的终端产品,并在国内外投入商用。
赖小荣先生清华大学毕业,曾在北京大学光华管理学院、美国UC Berkeley等校进修学习,不列颠哥伦比亚大学(University of British Columbia)访问学者,先后
在国内外移动通信 峰会/论坛担任演讲嘉宾,在移动通信产业有超过18年担任高级管理职位的经历,目前致力于企业级3G CDMA系统和WiMax宽带无线接入系统的研究和全球推广工作。