

应电信系邀请,香港理工大学讲座教授、IEEE fellowIEEE Distinguished Lecturer, President of the IEEE SystemsMan and Cybernetics Society (IEEE SMC 学会会长) 杨苏Daniel Yeung)教授本周六将来电信系访问,并举行学术讲座。




题目:Sensitivity Based Generalization Error for Supervised Learning Problems

With Application in Feature Selection


Generalization error model provides a theoretical support for a classifier's performance in terms of prediction accuracy. However, existing models give very loose error bounds. This explains why classification systems generally rely on experimental validation for their claims on prediction accuracy. In this talk we will revisit this problem and explore the idea of developing a new generalization error model based on the assumption that only prediction accuracy on unseen points in a neighborhood of a training point will be considered, since it will be unreasonable to require a classifier to accurately predict unseen points "far away" from training samples. The new error model makes use of the concept of sensitivity measure for multiplayer feed forward neural networks (Multilayer Perceptrons or Radial Basis Function Neural Networks). The new model will be applied to the feature reduction problem for RBFNN classifiers. A number of experimental results using datasets such as the UCI, the 99 KDD Cup, and text categorization, will be presented.


杨苏(Daniel Yeung)博士、教授、博士生导师、IEEE Fellow (电子电机工程师学会院士), IEEE Distinguished Lecturer, President of the IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Society (IEEE SMC 学会会长)。现任华南理工大学讲座教授并领导机器学习与控制论研究团队。

  他于美国Case Western Reserve University取得应用数学博士学位。曾任教于Rochester Institute of Technology 数学系。曾在美国三间著名的企业担任信息科技的研究及产品开发的要职:Computer Console of Rochester, New York; General Electric Corporate Research Lab (通用电力公司), Schenectady, New York; and TRW (Electronic and IT Division), San Diego, California

  他曾担任香港理工大学电子计算器学系的创系主任与讲座教授。学术研究包括神经网络敏感度分析,Web数据挖掘,机器学习,模糊系统,网络安全捡定等。曾是19911992 IEEE Computer Society香港分区的主席.2005年时是IEEE SMC Society香港分区的主席。曾担任国际著名的学术及工程杂志IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks IEEE Transactions on SMC(part B)的副主编(associate editor),担任每年(2002开始)于中国举行的国际会议International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics的主席。

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