

瑞士诺基亚研究中心资深研究员、Nokia Fellow Valtteri Niemi先生将于1211日上午来我系作学术报告,欢迎感兴趣的老师和同学届时参加。



题目:Security in future cellular standard(未来蜂窝标准的安全技术)

报告人:Valtteri Niemi 博士


The number of security features has been growing steadily during the evolution of cellular communication systems. We go briefly through security solutions in 1st, 2nd and 3rd generation systems. The main part of the talk is about security aspects in the emerging LTE/SAE system of 3GPP. The LTE refers to a completely new radio system while SAE refers to a new core system into which many different radio technologies can be attached.

The talk would also give an overview of Nokia Research Center both in general level and, in particular, NRC security area activities.

在蜂窝通信系统的演变过程中,安全功能数量逐步增长。我们将简要介绍一代、二代、三代通信系统中的安全解决方案。讲座主要探讨3GPP新兴 LTE/SAE 系统的安全问题。LTE涉及一种全新的无线电系统,SAE涉及到一个能运用许多不同无线电技术的新的核心系统。讲座也将对诺基亚研发中心,特别是其安全领域研究情况进行介绍。


Valtteri Niemi received a PhD degree from the University of Turku, Finland, Mathematics Department, in 1989. After serving in various positions in Univ of Turku, he was an Associate Professor in the Mathematics and Statistics Department of the University of Vaasa, Finland, during 1993-97. He joined Nokia Research Center (NRC), Helsinki in 1997 and in 1999 he was nominated as a Research Fellow. During 2004-2006, he was responsible for Nokia research in wireless security area as a Senior Research Manager. During 2007-2008, Dr. Niemi led the Trustworthy Communications and Identities team in the Internet laboratory of NRC, Helsinki. He recently moved to the new NRC laboratory in Lausanne, Switzerland, where his main focus is on privacy-enhancing technologies. He was also nominated as a Nokia Fellow in 2009.

Dr. Niemi’s work has been on security issues of future mobile networks and terminals, the main emphasis being on cryptological aspects. He has participated 3GPP SA3 (security) standardization group from the beginning. Starting from 2003, he has been the chairman of the group. Before 3GPP, Niemi took part in ETSI SMG 10 for GSM security work.

In addition to cryptology and security, Dr. Niemi has done research on the area of formal languages. He has published more than 40 scientific articles and he is a co-author of three books.

Valtteri Niemi1989年:获芬兰图尔库大学(University of Turku)数学系博士学位,1993-97年:芬兰University of Vaasa数学与统计系副教授,1997年:加入位于赫尔辛基的诺基亚研究中心(NRC),2007-2008年:领导NRC互联网实验室可信通信与身份认证组,2009年:获提名为Nokia Fellow(诺基亚资深研究员)。

Dr. Niemi主要研究未来手机网络和终端中的安全问题,特别是密码学方面。他曾是3GPP SA3标准组主席。在此之前,Niemi致力于GSM安全工作中的ETSI SMG 10的研究。

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