报告题目:Towards Ubiquitous Indoor Localization Coverage for the Planet
报告人:叶凡(Ye Fan)
Abstract: Indoor localization is the basis for many Location Based Services.
So far its availability is still sporadic. The industry state-of-the-art,
Google Indoor Maps, covers about 10,000 locations world wide, which is
only a small fraction of buildings such as shopping malls, train stations,
airports, museums, stadiums on the Earth. Two fundamental obstacles exist:
1) mainstream indoor localization technologies rely on RF signatures that
require extensive human efforts to measure and periodically re-calibrate;
2) service providers do not have floor plan data and have to go
through effort intensive business negotiations to obtain them from various
sources. This talk presents two projects targeting the two problems. In
Sextant, we leverage environmental physical features that are stable over
time thus eliminating the periodic calibration efforts. Users measure their
relative locations to these features with smartphones to obtain their
location. In Jigsaw, we gather image and inertial data from smartphone users
, combine vision and mobile techniques to construct the floor plans with
reasonable accuracy. Together they hold the promise to ubiquitous coverage
of indoor localization service for the whole planet.
Speaker’s Short Bio: Dr. Fan Ye received his Ph.D. from the Computer Science
Department of UCLA. He got his M.S. and B.E. from Tsinghua University. He joined
IBM T. J. Watson as a Research Staff Member working on multiple projects including
stream processing systems, cloud and wide area messaging, mobile crowdsensing.
He is currently an Assistant Professor in the ECE department of Stony Brook University.
His Ph.D. dissertation was on wireless sensor networks. He has published over 60
peer reviewed papers that have received about 7000 citations according to Google
Scholar. He has 21 granted/pending US and international patents/applications.
He was the cochair for the Mobile Computing Professional Interests Community at
IBM Watson for two years. He received IBM Research Division Award, 5 Invention
Achievement Plateau awards, Best Paper Award for International Conference on
Parallel Computing 2008.
His current research interests include mobile sensing platforms, systems and
applications, Internet-of-Things, indoor location sensing, wireless and sensor networks.