新加坡A*STAR I2R研究院高级科学家高先科博士学术报告


Talk 1: Electromagnetic Compatibility Directives/Standards and Challenges

Abstract: Compared to 50 years ago, electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) becomes much more critical now. This is because of the faster advance of technology and wider application of electronics. Therefore the EMC directives/standards should be understood and mastered by every designer, engineer and researcher, which will help the device/system be optimized with least interference/risk to the environment and more reliable and operational. To foresee the next 50 years, the exploration of knowledge and technology gives a very big challenge to current EMC directives/standards.

时间: 6月2日下午2:30-5:30

Talk 2: Introduction of Big Data Technology

Abstract: Our current world is data-driven world. Big Data is everywhere. Compared to traditional data processing and management, Big Data can spot business trends, determine quality of research, prevent diseases, link legal citations, combat crime, and determine real-time roadway traffic conditions. It will increase the innovation and development of next generation products and sharpen competitive advantages. The main characteristics of Big Data are Volume, Velocity, and Variety.
地点: 光电国家实验室F区401 会议室
时间: 6月3日下午2:30-5:30

Biography of speaker:
Dr. Richard Xian-KeGao, graduated from National University of Singapore, is working as a senior scientist and RF group manager in the Institute of High Performance Computing, A*STAR, Singapore. He is senior IEEE member and chairman of IEEE Singapore EMC chapter. He was the member of different organization committees and TPCs of international symposiums/workshops. He has published over 60 papers in the peered journals and international conferences. He was bestowed many awards.His main research interests are electromagnetic interference and compatibility, RF and wireless, metamaterial, antenna, smart grid, robust design, and automatic control.

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