

日期 : 6月10日
时间 : 10:00-11:30AM
地点: 通信与探测研究所会议室
Title : Smart RFID System for Intelligent and Situation-aware

Speaker: Dr. Min Chen, SMIEEE
Assistant Professor
School of Computer Science and Engineering
Seoul National University (SNU)


Radio frequency identification (RFID) is a kind of electronic identification technology that is becoming widely deployed. Due to its intrinsic small size and low cost features, the RFID technology can be readily integrated into various systems for future smart environment applications, whereby vital information is retrieved by diverse types of communications networks. In order to tell system what an object needs in a timely fashion, a situation-aware unit is needed, which motivates the introduction of mobile code and the smart RFID system. The basic idea is to design a scalable and on-demand RFID system, which stores code information dynamically in the RFID tag, facilitating other systems to perform situation-aware actions for different objects in different situations. To achieve this, mobile codes specifying up-to-date service directives that can be realized by intelligently handling various network dynamics are encoded in the RFID tags.

The Speaker:

Min Chen (M'08-SM'09) is an Assistant Professor in School of Computer
Science and Engineering at Seoul National University (SNU). Before joining SNU, he was a Post-Doctoral Fellow and Research Associate at University of British Columbia for three and half years. He received the Best Paper Runner-up Award from QShine 2008. He was interviewed by Chinese Canadian Times where he appeared on the celebrity column in 2007.
Dr. Chen is the author of OPNET Network Simulation (Tsinghua University Press, 2004).He serves as TPC co-chair and web chair for BodyNets-2010, workshop co-chair for CHINACOM 2010. He is the co-chair of MMASN-09 and UBSN-10. He was the TPC chair of ASIT-09, TPC co-chair of PCSI-09, publicity co-chair of PICom-09. He is workshop co-chair for EMC 2010. He is co-chair for ASIT 2010.He served as guest editors for several journals, such as ACM MONET, IJCS, IJSNET, IJCNDS and IJAACS. He is a managing editor for IJAACS. He is an IEEE Senior Member.

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