





TITLEP2P Trading in Online Social Networks: The Value of Staying Connected



The success of future Peer-to-Peer applications ultimately depends on whether users will contribute their bandwidth, CPU and storage resources to a larger community, which is the challenge of incentive design. In this talk, we present a new incentive paradigm, Networked Asynchronous Bilateral Trading (NABT), which can be applied to a broad range of P2P applications. In NABT, peers belong to an underlying online social network (such as Facebook), and each pair of friends keeps track of a credit balance between them. When user Alice provides a service (a file, storage space, computation and so on) to her friend Bob, she charges Bob credits. NABT allows peers to supply each other asynchronously and further allows peers to trade with remote peers through intermediaries. We theoretically show that NABT can achieve the same level of trading efficiency as global currency systems. Using simulations driven by MySpace traces, we demonstrate that a simple two-hop NABT design can greatly improve the efficiency of synchronous bilateral trading (such as tit-for-tat) and effectively punish cheaters.


Yong Liu, is currently an assistant professor at the Electrical and Computer Engineering department of the Polytechnic Institute of New York University. He obtained his Ph.D degree from the ECE Dept. of the University of Massachusetts, Amherst in 2002. He worked as a Postdoc in computer networks research group at UMass from February 2002 to February 2005. His current research interest includes: multimedia networking, high-speed wireless networks, and online social networks. Dr. Liu is a winner of career award of the National Science Foundation of USA in 2010. He is also the winner of the best paper award of IEEE Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM) 2009, and the multimedia communications best paper award of IEEE Communication Society in 2008. More information about him is available at: http://eeweb.poly.edu/faculty/yongliu/

Professional ServiceDr. Yong Liu is the Tutorials Chair of ACM Sigmetrics 2010. He was also the TPC member of the following professional conferences: ACM Multimedia, NOSSDAV, IPTPS; IEEE Infocom,ACM Sigcomm CoNEXT, ACM Sigmetrics, IEEE ICDCS, ACM Sigcomm,IFIP Performance, Tridentcom,ICCCN.Besides, he is the referee for submissions to the following professional conferences and journals: IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking; IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications; Computer Networks Journal; IEEE Transactions on Multimedia; IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control; Automatica; Journal of Discrete Event Dynamic Systems; ACM/Sigcomm, ACM/Sigmetrics, IEEE/Infocom, IEEE/Globecom; IEEE/ICC, IEEE/CDC

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