

英国Surrey University的孙智立教授应邀来我系访问,学术讲座信息如下:

日期: 9月15日
时间: 15:00-17:00
地点: 通信与探测研究所会议室(紫菘学生公寓附近小楼)
Title: Green Communications through Network Management

Speaker: Dr.Sun Zhili, Chair Professor
Centre for Communications Systems Research
School of Electronics and Physical Sciences
University of Surrey

Within the recent decade, the networking technologies have been experiencing some major developments. On one hand, IT vendors developed and deployed network devices with significantly increased processing powers. On the other hand, despite of lower unit power consumptions due to advanced technologies, overall electricity costs of network devices still increased dramatically because of their increasing quantities. Therefore, it is important to manage network resources effectively in terms of power consumptions, which could save energy and make networks more environment-friendly. Meanwhile, the processing powers of network devices also need to be kept at an acceptable level to provide satisfying services. Challenges exist in finding the balance point between these two aspects.
This seminar will present the important issues concerning green communications and take an example of recent work on effective network monitoring and management functions towards green networking.
Waterfall software engineering approach was followed in the software development. After specifying the functional and other related requirements, four distributed sub-systems were designed to work together, each providing a function block of the software. Based on the software architecture, the algorithms in the functions of monitoring and power management were designed. In the end, the algorithms were integrated into the management system to support the user interfaces.
The implemented network monitoring and management system successfully meets all the specified requirements, which provides monitoring functions and effective power management of network devices. Trend analysis of network devices’ performances and power consumptions were also implemented.

The Speaker:

Professor Zhili Sun got his BSc in Mathematics from Nanjing University, China, in 1982, and PhD in Computer Science from Lancaster University, UK, in 1990. He worked in Southeast University from 1982 to 1985. He worked as a postdoctoral research fellow in the Telecommunication Research Group, Queen Mary University of London from 1989 to 1993. He was principal investigator and technical co-ordinator in many European projects including the ESPRIT BISANTE project on evaluation of broadband traffic over satellite using simulation approach, VIP-TEN project on Quality of Service (QoS) of IP telephony over satellite, EU 5th and 6th Framework Programme GEOCAST project on IP Multicast over satellites, ICEBERGS project on IP based Multimedia Conference over Satellite, SatLife project on IP over DVB-S/RCS, SATSIX project on IPv6 over satellite, Euro-NGI project on next generation Internet, RINGRID project on remote instrumentation over GRID computing, and EC-GIN project on EU-China Grid Internetworking. He has also been a principal investigator projects funded by the UK Electronics and Physical Sciences Research Council, European Space Agency (ESA) and industries. He has supervised many PhDs and research fellows. He has published over 125 papers in International journals, book chapters and conferences, has published a book as sole author titled “satellite networking – principles and protocols” by Wiley in 2005, and a contributing editors of another book “IP networking over next generation satellite systems”. He also contributed to revise the 5th edition of the text book “Satellite Communications Systems – systems, techniques and technology” to be published by Wiley in 2010. He acted as technical reviewer of EU framework programmes and EPSRC proposals. He is also an active contributor to ITU-T and ETSI in QoS and IP multicast over satellite. He has been general chair and member of technical committees of international conferences and member of reviewers of major EU and UK research proposals. He has acted as external examiner for PhD viva in many universities in UK (King’s College, QMUL, Leads, Bradford, Lancaster and Aberdeen), France, Spain, Singapore, Sweden and China. He also teaches MSc, undergraduate and industrial courses on IP networking protocols and technologies, satellite networking, Internet and teletraffic engineering, network security and mobile operating systems.

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